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January 2016

Updated: May 25, 2018

January 1 For New Year’s Day Kevin attended the Lyman breakfast. There were surprise visitors from Arizona; it was good to see Kimball, Ashley and their family.

January 3 Kayson turned one month old.

January 4 Kayson had his first MDB. What is a MDB you ask? MDB stands for “Major Diaper Blowout.” Three things categorize a MDB:

#1 A MDB most commonly happens at the worst time possible. One example is when the participant has just recently been placed in a clean, white onesie.

#2 A MDB happens at the worst place possible such as church, a restaurant, or on someone’s lap.

#3 A MDB is uncontained. More substances escape the diaper than stay in. Think atomic bomb.

To make matters worse, Chrissy was taking care of the MDB when Kayson also had what is referred to as a SE. What is a SE? Parents of baby boys all over the world know this term, it’s “Spray Everywhere.” Kayson’s stream had three targets and he accurately made each one: the floor, the diaper bag, and Chrissy’s hair.

It’s a good thing he is too young to recognize swear words.

January 10 Kayson had his first trip to Grandma and Grandpa Lyman’s house.

January 11 Chrissy’s maternity ended and she returned to work. She still works at home as a coder part-time.

January 14 Kevin was offered at job at Extra Space Storage located in Cottonwood Heights. He will work full-time as an accounts payable clerk.

January 16 We celebrated Kammi’s 40th birthday at Outback Steakhouse.

January 27 At midnight we heard some banging on our door and some yelling outside. Chrissy was asleep upstairs with Kayson so Kevin answered the door and an angry man tried to push his way inside. Thankfully Kevin was able to prevent the man from coming inside and locked the door. The man tried to pick the lock and break in our downstairs window. Kevin called 911 and the cops came and took the man away. It was the scariest twenty minutes of our lives!

January 29 Kayson had his two month doctor’s appointment. He weighed 13 pounds 8 ounces and was 23 inches long. He also had to get three shots which was hard for mom to watch.

January 31 Kayson’s first day at church.

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