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Scrabble Mania

We were bored last Saturday night so we decided to play Scrabble Mania. What is Scrabble Mania? We thought you would never ask. Here is how the game is played:                 

You play one round of Scrabble making sure you use as many letters as you can. At the very end of the game you combine all the players’ letters and work together to create any additional words you can. Once the board has as many words as possible, you write the words down on a piece of paper. Here are the words we made while playing Scrabble:

Let                     Ma                   Veto                       Nap

We                      Anti                Eat                         Ago

Feel                   Axe                  You                        Apes

Few                   Egg                  House                    Hoe

Fed                   Six                    Inns                       Harken

Dolce               Less                  And                        Rio

Quo                  Beds                 In

My                     Tie                   Strand

Go                     Jet                    Rib

Rig                    Crate                Won

Rim                   Err                    Wiz

Next, each player must write a creative story using all the words on the list. The rules are that you have to use every word at least once and you have to keep the words as they are (plural words stay plural and singular words stay singular). The stories end up being crazy, random, and very funny. After you write your story you read it aloud and laugh together. We both laughed so hard we cried. Here are our Scrabble stories:

Chrissy’s Scrabble Story:

“A long time ago, a jet carrying a crate full of six apes flew to a house in Rio.Harken! You can’t nap or eat here,” yelled a Ma. “You will veto my status quo.” To get even they decided to wiz in her Dolce to the rim. A few of the apes chose to rig an axe and hoe so they could stab her in the rib. The Ma won and took a strand from a tie and strangled them. Now there were less apes than before. The Ma said to the apes, “I will feed you an egg, then I will let you go to the nearest inns where there will be plenty of beds.” After the apes were fed they decided to form an Anti-Ma Association. They said, “We feel you greatly err and should let us stay here.” Little did the apes know that the egg was poisonous and made them all explode into a giant dome of matted fur.    


Kevin’s Scrabble Story:

“ Once long ago there was a man who loved a woman. She loved him too but never let him know it. “We could never be together,” she thought. “He is a Captain in the Americas and I am a Princess who lives in two dome-shaped inns. No matter how we feel about each other, we cannot change our status quo. My Ma would never allow me to marry a man who flies a jet and drives a big rig for his day job. She’d go apes over that! And, his boss would strand him on an island with nothing but a hoe and an axe to help him survive.” Suddenly the Princess heard her dreadful Ma enter the outer dome of the inns. Loudly, the Ma shouted from the front door to her. “Make me six and one egg for breakfast, no more, no less. And scramble half of them and boil the rest!!” she said. “I must eat and be well fed before the crate arrives with a golden rim for the toilet. Suddenly I feel the urge to wiz so badly! I had to go pee a few times during the night, what with all the Dolce I drank last night.” Suddenly, I discovered a plan to escape my evil Ma (Step-Ma, really). I ran to the garage to find some rope. I burst in the room again to find Ma blocking my way. I punched her in the rib and knocked her out with the old rim that has broken off the toilet. I tie her to the beds in her room (one for her and one for the man who left her long ago). I err on the side of caution and tie her tightly. “Harken to me, you old hag,” she said. “I have won my freedom from you and I veto your authority. I now rule this place! You shall die in your sleep! Nap well and dream of Rio, for that is where I shall build my house to live happily with the love of my life, the Captain from America. He is the anti venom to your poisonous ways. Fare you well!” And she left to meet her love in Rio


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