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About Us


We are the Lyman family and are hoping to adopt! Keep reading for some fun and interesting facts about us. 

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Where did you meet? We met at church, of all places and became instant friends. Our friendship grew into love and of course the rest is history...


















Where and when did you get married? We were married in the Mount Timpanogos LDS Temple on May 21, 2009. 


Where do you currently live? Utah


What do you like to do for fun? We love spending time with family, whether it's just us or with extended family. We like to go on mini adventures like trips to the park, the zoo, the library, or the museum. We also like going out for snow cones or ice cream. We are obsessed with family traditions. Click here for a list of family traditions we like to do. 


What is your extended family like? We have a large extended family and gather frequently. We have a family reunion each year and get together for birthday parties, holidays, and sometimes just to have fun! Our extended family is very open and accepting. We are confident that you and your family will feel like you belong. In fact, we have aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, and friends who have all adopted.


What is Kevin's occupation? Kevin is currently working from home as a member services representative for an essential oils company. He has a Bachelor's degree with a minor in communications.


What is Chrissy's occupation? Chrissy's most important job is a mother, and she wouldn't want it any other way. She works part-time from home as a medical coder/revenue processor for a hospital in the cardiology department. It's been a blessing that she can work at home and contribute to our family finances while also being a stay-at-home mom. She has a Bachelor's degree in elementary education with an endorsement in library media.


What religion do you practice? We are active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Our religion is very important to us.  It's a part of who we are. If you want to learn more about what we believe click here.


What is your parenting style? We want to have a safe, happy, and loving home. We encourage kindness and service to those in our family as well as those in our community.  We believe in having rules, consequences, and routines but also believe in frequently expressing love and encouragement through positive reinforcement. We hope to instill self-discipline and hard work.   We both have a passion for good and wholesome music so naturally you can hear music streaming throughout our home. We want our children to grow up with the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument of their choice or be involved in other musical endeavors. We are both avid readers so our home has plenty of books. Chrissy is an educator and has the desire to homeschool.  Education is important to us, we strive to make our home a place of learning. We want to provide our children with a quality education.


Why do you want to adopt? Adoption has always felt like something we were called to do, we just weren't sure when the right time was. We struggled for years with infertility and were approved for adoption in 2014. We waited a year and a half for our child to come to us through adoption but instead were blessed with our biological son, Kayson. He is truly a miracle, a gift from God whom we cherish every day. Since then we have been unable to have any more biological children, however we know that children can become a part of a family in many different ways. When we felt that it was time for another child we both prayed fervently and received an answer from God that now is the time to adopt. We know a baby out there is meant to join our family through adoption.  


What makes you different or unique from other adoptive families? We believe we have a unique perspective when it comes to diversity. Kevin has a physical disability called Spina Bifida. Our unique circumstances have given us greater compassion for all types of people. It has also helped us learn to be more positive about life, have a sense of humor, never give up, and look at diversity as a beautiful thing. Our goal is to teach our children that it's okay to be different and that everyone is a child of God. We want our children to grow up not being afraid of people who look, act, or sound different.  If you want to learn more about Kevin's disability click here.


What kind of adoption are you seeking? We want to work with you on an adoption plan you are most comfortable with, whether it be open, semi-open or closed. If you decide to place your baby with us we promise you three things: 1) We won't judge you and we will welcome you with open arms to our family 2) We will strive to be honest with you and keep our commitments. If we say we will do something we will try our best to follow through on those promises 3) We will love you, your baby, and your family.


What would you like to say to expectant parents considering adoption? We don't pretend to understand what you are going through. We can only imagine that it must be scary and lonely. We want you to know that we care, that you are not alone and that you are loved. You are a child of God. He loves you and He has a plan for you. Even though you are going through a difficult time right now, He will never give up on you. We know this, because He has never given up on us. 


























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