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LOVE We have a lot of love for you, your baby, and your family. 


HONESTY We will strive to be honest with you and keep our commitments.


NO JUDGEMENT We welcome you with open arms to our family. 





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YOU DECIDE WHAT TYPE OF ADOPTION YOU WANT Do you want open, semi-open or closed adoption? We will work with you on an adoption plan you are most comfortable with. Whatever the type of adoption you choose, you can be assured that we will honor your child's heritage. If you choose a semi-open or open adoption we will try our best to keep our commitments with you in regards to contact such as pictures, letters, phone calls, and face-to-face visits.


DIVERSITY We believe that diversity is a beautiful thing! Our goal is to teach our children that it’s okay to be different, that everyone is a child of God and to always treat others with love and respect. We want our children to grow up not being afraid of people who look, act, or sound different.


CHRISTIAN HOME We are Christians who are active in our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We want to instill in our children strong Christian principles such as love for God, service to others, honesty and integrity.


FINANCIAL SECURITY We have a stable income and are wise in our purchases. We are saving as much as we can for the future and are debt free! 


EDUCATION We are both well educated. Kevin has a Bachelor's degree in communications and Chrissy has a Bachelor's degree in elementary education. We love reading and learning in our home. We both have a passion for good and wholesome music so naturally you can hear music streaming throughout our home. We want our children to grow up with the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument of their choice or to be involved in other musical endeavors. We are both avid readers so our home has plenty of books. Chrissy is an educator and has the desire to homeschool.  Education is important to us, we strive to make our home a place of learning. We want to provide our children with a quality education.


STRONG FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Family is everything to us. We live in Utah close to a lot of extended family and we enjoy being close together. Our extended family gets together frequently. We have a family reunion each year and get together for birthday parties, holidays, and sometimes just to have fun.  We love going on mini adventures like trips to the park, the zoo, the library, or the museum. We are obsessed with family traditions! In fact, we have a long list of all the fun and sometimes silly things we like to do as a family. Want to know what the cranberry rock-off is? Ask us about it!

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