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Hi, I am Chrissy. I enjoy organizing, decorating, making photo books, reading and snuggling on the couch to a good movie with M&M's in popcorn. I work part-time from home as a medical coder/revenue processor for a hospital in the cardiology department. Although I enjoy my job, I love being a wife and mother even more!  Someday I want to learn how to play the violin.


Question: What is your name and the story behind it:

Answer: My name is Chrissy. It's a nickname from my middle name Christina. I have never gone by my first name. Don't ever call me "Chris," I hate that.


Question: When is your birthday?

Answer: When the strawberries are the sweetest, when school is out and when the stores start selling fireworks. June 29th


Question: Give us a brief physical description of yourself.

Answer: Most people notice that I am petite, only 5'0'' inches tall although some people believe I am even shorter than that (I hope I am not shrinking). I have dark blonde hair although like most girls I like to experiment with the color so I can have anywhere between light blonde to light brown hair.  I have medium blue eyes. 


Question: What is your level of education?

Answer: I have a Bachelor's degree in elementary education with an endorsement in school library media. I am licensed as a certified professional coder.  I hope to use my skills as an educator to be involved in homeschooling our children. 


Question: What is your current occupation?

Answer: I work part-time from home as a medical coder. I love being able to work from home, contribute to our family's finances while also being a stay-at-home mom. My top priority is to be a wife and mother. I know of no greater role I can have than that of a mother. 


Question: What are your hobbies and interests?

Answer: Reading, music, homemaking, decorating, organizing, baking, someday I want to learn how to paint. 


Question: How many siblings do you have?

Answer: I have two sisters and like the best part of an Oreo cookie and I am in the middle, one sister is older and the other is younger.


Question:  A book I highly recommend is:

Answer: The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. They are full of adventure and magic. After you read the books you will start to wish magic is real and might even pretend your pencil is a magic wand. Kevin and I are both huge Harry Potter nerds. We went to Harry Potter Land a couple years ago and had a blast. We couldn't leave without buying Harry Potter souvenirs and trying pumpkin juice, butter beer, and chocolate frogs.


Question: My favorite flower is:

Answer: I love all types of flowers so it's hard to pick a favorite. Some of my favorites, however, are white lilies in a bouquet with red roses. I like that combination because Kevin gave me a bouquet when he proposed. The ring was on one of the roses. I also love gerber daises because they are cheerful. We had pink, orange, and yellow gerber daisies at our wedding. 


Question: A game I like to play is:

Answer: I know Kevin will say he loves Boggle. He loves it because he is very good at it and so far he is undefeated. But mark my words, one of these days I will beat him in that game! My favorite game is Angry Birds. I am addicted. I think they call it angry birds because if one plays it longer than an hour they start to become angry and aggressive. The yellow birds drive me crazy.


Question: The music I listen to most is:

Answer:  Anything that lifts my spirits and makes me feel good. 


Question: My favorite band is:

Answer: Some of my favorites are: The Piano Guys, The Tenors, Anthem Lights, Pentatonix, Michael Buble.  I am also a fan of 80's music. 


Question: A movie I watch over and over is:

Answer: I will be curious to see what Kevin says is his favorite movie. He is a big movie fanatic; he literally has hundreds of movies. As far as my favorite movie, I can never get enough of my childhood favorites, Disney's "The Little Mermaid" and the 1991 version of "Beauty and The Beast". 


Question: A TV show I watch over and over is:

Answer: Some of my favorites include Full House, Home Improvement, The Middle, Seinfeld, and Dr. Quinn. Poor Kevin has to endure watching Dr. Quinn with me but I think he secretly likes it. Besides, he got me hooked on Psych so now we're even.


Question: My favorite quote is:

Answer: "How would you like a bumper sandwich, booger lips?!" (From the movie, Ernest Scared Stupid). 


Question: My favorite thing to buy is:

Answer:  Clothes, shoes, books, makeup, jewelry, things that help me organize. I know Kevin loves to buy ties; he is obsessed (don't tell him I said that). Take him to a tie store and he will act like a four-year-old boy in a candy store. I think he owns every color of tie possible. It makes Father's Day and birthdays easy though, all I have to do is buy him a tie and he hyperventilates. 


Question: I drive a:

Answer: 2006 Dodge Stratus with automatic transmission because I still don't know how to drive a stick shift. My car's name is Charles or Charlie.


Question: I love to collect:

Answer:  Books, colored pencils, necklaces, earrings, and candy for my secret stash (shhh, don't tell). I KNOW Kevin is going to put he collects movies. How much do you want to bet? If I am wrong I owe him dinner. 


Question: If I could afford anything at this moment I would buy:

Answer: A cozy home in the countryside with a garden and white picket fence. The home would have to have my own personal library with thousands of books. The library would look like the ones you see in the movies with sliding ladders, comfortable couches and don't forget the sleeping cat in front of the roaring fireplace. 


Question: If my house was burning down and I could only rescue three things, they would be:

Answer: 1) pictures 2) memory box 3) warm socks


Question: A smell that makes me pause is:

Answer: A smell that makes me want to vomit is definitely fish. Just ask Kevin, whenever he eats fish I gag. We have made a bet with each other that I have to eat fish one of these days and he has to eat licorice (don't tell me why he doesn't like licorice). So far we have not done the bet but maybe I will sneak some licorice in his sandwich. Smells that I love are homemade chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, autumn leaves, blossoms, clean laundry, and the pages in a book. Yes I know... I love to smell books. Call me strange but you should try it sometime. 


Question: My favorite sport to watch is:

Answer: Basketball. Kevin has tried for years to teach me football but I am stubborn and try to act like I am listening. I think he has finally given up, keep your fingers crossed. 


Question: The city I would most like to visit is:

Answer: I am more of a country girl and would prefer to visit beautiful landscapes with meadows, fields, and rolling hills. I would love to visit little villages in Greece, Ireland, or New Zealand. If I had to pick a large city it would be fun to visit Rome, Sydney or San Francisco. 


Question: My favorite restaurant is:

Answer: Olive Garden, I can never get enough of their breadsticks. We also recently discovered Blaze pizza which I must say is AMAZING.


Question: My favorite meal is:

Answer: I guess cookies and candy don't count as a meal do they? I love baked potatoes and hot homemade rolls with butter. Tacos are also my favorite with chips and salsa. Basically anything with a lot of carbs and fat. 


Question: A moment when I achieved absolute happiness was:

Answer: When I was married and sealed in the temple to my sweetheart. Also when my son was born, it was indescribable, a moment I will never forget. 


Question: Someone or something that made me laugh this week was:

Answer: Our two year old boy Kayson makes me laugh everyday. This week Kayson missed his Dad at work. He got out all of Daddy's socks and put them in a pile. I think he was using socks and magic to summon his dad. 


Question: My earliest memory is:

Answer: Eating marigolds, they taste very bitter. I don't recommend eating them. 


Question: My first paying job was:

Answer: I sold knives for a summer and yes, I agree it does sound creepy. I definitely don't have what it takes to be a saleswoman.   


Question: The memory that still makes me laugh is:

Answer: When I was a girl my family lived with our grandparents in their basement. We had a pet cat named Meeko. One day my grandparents found a dead cat in the middle of the road that looked just like Meeko. All day they worried about how they would tell three sensitive girls that their cat was dead. My grandpa carefully buried the cat in their backyard while we were at school. When we got home from school they gave us the bad news that Meeko was dead. We told them it was not true, that Meeko was curled up on the bed asleep. To their surprise we were right. They buried the wrong cat! 


Question: My best birthday was:

Answer: When I got a Baskin Robbins birthday cake with a rainbow on it. I ate all the frosting. 


Question: A smell that reminds me of my childhood is:

Answer: There are a lot of smells that remind me of my childhood. To name just a few: mud (don't ask), canyon air, autumn leaves, Reese's peanut butter cups, marigolds, biscuits and gravy, freshly mowed grass, campfire, apples, and cat litter. 


Question: My favorite color to wear is:

Answer: Pink, I am 100% girl. I also love to wear dresses, heels, pearls and lace.


Question: My strangest possession is:

Answer: Princess coloring books. Don't judge me but I love to color in coloring books because it is therapeutic and takes me back to my childhood. I especially love the princess ones. I think Kevin's strangest possession is a foghorn. I am afraid he is going to use it to wake me up in the morning.


Question: My favorite dessert is:

Answer: Anything with chocolate such as chocolate cookies, hot chocolate, cupcakes, pies, brownies, cakes with chocolate frosting, donuts, chocolate chips, truffles, pudding, fondue, syrup, ice cream, fudge, sprinkles, chocolate covered raisins, nuts, and pretzels, chocolate milk, eclairs, chocolate cereal, chocolate, chocolate, CHOCOLATE!


Question: When I exercise, I like to:

Answer: Go for walks outside and enjoy nature. I confess, sometimes when I exercise I think about cheeseburgers and fries. 


Question: My favorite thing to do on a date is:

Answer: Snuggle on the couch to a good movie with plenty of snacks. 


Question: The best vacation I ever had was:

Answer: Our honeymoon. We went to Disneyland, Sea World, and San Diego Zoo. We rode the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland probably about eight times. I always have to close my eyes in the part of the ride when the giant snake head pops out. 


Question: The best thing about being married is:

Answer: I always have someone to warm up my cold feet and give me massages and back scratches. 


Question: The thing I am most passionate about is:

Answer: Children's literature, cute puppies and kitties, sweets, school supplies, violins, my family and friends, the gospel, psychology, nature, my hubby, music, science, and home organization. I guess you could say I am passionate about a lot of things.


Question: What is your favorite comic book?

Answer: Kevin got me hooked on Calvin and Hobbes. When I read it, it makes me chuckle and wish I had a talking tiger as a friend. For halloween a couple of years ago we dressed up as Calvin and Hobbes characters. Kevin was Calvin, I dressed up as Susie and little Kayson was an adorable tiger Hobbes. 


Question: What is your favorite holiday and why?

Answer: I love Easter because I enjoy pondering about Christ's atonement. It's a very sobering holiday for me. Also, I love spring and the hope it emulates with warmer weather, budding flowers, and baby animals.


Question: If your spouse was a kitchen appliance what would he be and why?

Answer: A microwave, he warms my heart. 


Question: What kind of parent do you want to be?

Answer: Kind, firm, respectful, loving, consistent, fun, and understanding. 


Question: What are your favorite things about your spouse?

Answer: He makes me laugh, I feel like I can talk to him about anything, we have a lot in common. We love talking with each other, it's what makes our relationship great. He has a good attitude, is always optimistic and teaches me a lot about being positive and happy.  I love his smile, he gives good hugs. I am a better person when I am around him. 


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